I have pondered on what to say to start the year. It feels like an important one to be mindful of what we are wishing for. Normally, as we did last year January 2020; we opened ourselves the new year with an excitement almost akin to magic, hoping that our dreams come true and goals are realised. And in writing this today, living in a pandemic time, we see how life is in constant change. It is both a blessing and bother that nothing stays the same. We need to have things to look forward to and have the capacity to deal with disappointment. We are humbled to know we have a limited sense of control at what happens in the world and yet all the control as to how we choose to respond to it. And so my response is in being Proactive, Preventative and Preparatory. I see the momentum of a mental health wave swelling in size, power and speed and want to do all I can to equip myself and others to handle this today. I didn’t actually become a Psychologist wanting to only help people through difficult times, but to help people see that the harmony of triumphs in our lives matches our trials. That the pain holds the pleasure in what I believe is the magic of the promise of purpose. So, let me use these reflections in 2021 to inspire, initiate, invite you to step into life purposefully to prepare yourself for the harmony of pressures and peace that lie ahead in 2021.
~ Maria
“To be a good human being is to have a kind of openness to the world, an ability to trust uncertain things beyond your own control,” ~ Philosopher Martha Nussbaum.