For all of you who know my rule of the ‘no four letter words allowed’ when responding to the question, “How are you?”, here is the new word you may want to use and it is 11 letters! Read on, this is a great article by an author, Adam Grant, whom I highly recommend as he has lots of provoking and thoughtful information online.
“It wasn’t burnout – we still had energy. It wasn’t depression – we didn’t feel hopeless. We just felt somewhat joyless and aimless. It turns out there’s a name for that: languishing.
Languishing is a sense of stagnation and emptiness. It feels as if you’re muddling through your days, looking at your life through a foggy windscreen. And it might be the dominant emotion of 2021.”
That lockdown blah you’re feeling? It’s called languishing. Here’s how to beat it