My children love video games. It both amazes and horrifies me how much energy and time they wish to devote to playing and repeating the same repetitive tasks that in real life they cannot muster, i.e. putting their jacket on the hanger and laundry in the basket !
So it got me to thinking about how to make things fun for them again, as though they were in a video game themselves. With inspiration from the Youtube channel Better than Yesterday, here are some key elements to help you enjoy the day to day activities of life, the big and the small by having a sense of what makes them manageable and rewarding:
- Work towards self-defined, clear objectives one step at a time. Motivation –> Success.
- Make progress visible in small increments that motivates continued action.
- Reward hard work that in turn rewards you back, carrying momentum forward.
- Create variety and novelty in tasks for stimulation and satisfaction.
- Step up the challenge to match your current skill level and growing competence.
- Share with your social network for connection and recognition.
- Reflect on ways to continue meeting your needs from the experience gained giving you more choice and control.
- Gain enjoyment and pleasure through relaxation, music, art, beauty, storytelling, etc.; the first forms of true entertainment.

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Make your life fun again !
Here are some key elements to help you enjoy the day to day activities of life, the big and the small by having a sense of what makes them manageable and rewarding.
Maria Schmid