A gorgeous painting to help you reflect on this passage.
“Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is.” A quote from the famous book, The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemmingway. The quintessential story about the struggle of an old fisherman in his quest to catch a giant Marlin off the coast of Cuba.
If you remember the story, as the man fights with the big fish, he begins feeling sorry for himself that he did not have all the things that would have made his struggle easier. “I should have brought a stone…you should have brought many things, he thought. But you did not bring them, old man.”
This time in history makes this story, this struggle, this quote, this reflection so alive, real and applicable to us all. Many of us are being challenged during these COVID times: physically, emotionally, financially, mentally and spiritually. We are all impacted and must recognize what is or isn’t in our control and what remains in our choice: our attitude, our approach and our actions. So let us be concerned and centered in where we are, what we are doing and what ultimately is in our grasp.