It is April, it is spring, it is nothing like we have known before! What has it been like for you to live in an ‘historic’ time? Transition is in the air and although we may be physically apart from one another, we are learning what it is to be interconnected; humans sharing this precious experience of life’s complexities together.
If there is one word that keeps coming up for me in what is happening in our homes and in our world, it is one of reimagining. None of us would have imagined a virus to have halted our economy, workplaces, schools, movements, etc. Reimagining speaks to me of a reset of priorities, reimagining what we truly want our lives to be. It is my invitation for you today, to reimagine what it is you want to create, to choose and to change for your life in and out of our homes.
This message is also to let you know that I have been working on a few changes of my own to be a better psychologist for you. The obvious first one is that I will be conducting all counselling sessions by phone or video platform. Here is the new tele-therapy Consent Form for us to review before your session.
Until we see the end of COVID-19, I trust that we will do the best we can together in this new medium of communication. Here are some other exciting additions:
New Associate Psychologist
I’m excited to announce that in order to have more time available for existing clients, I have hired a new associate to join me in my practice. Tricia Thomas is a seasoned registered psychologist with deep knowledge and a big heart. Her philosophy and approach as a psychologist is similar to mine. Her experience includes children and youth, in addition to adults, couples and families. She is available for new clients on the online calendar system, so please pay attention to whose calendar you are booking into.
Holistic Nutritional Consultant
We all know from experience that our physical health is impacted and in turn impacts our mental and emotional well-being. From this interconnection, it has become more apparent through my reading and research that many of the issues presented in my office can be helped, alleviated and even prevented through nutritional changes. I have worked with Pam Groulx in the past and found her to be a wealth of information and sound leadership in making necessary changes to reduce stress and build overall health and resilience. The road to a healthy mind and body is often through the gut and so Pam has agreed to join me to compliment my practice. You are welcome to book with her directly through the online calendar system for a FREE initial consult. Here is her letter describing her practice.
And finally an official waitlist! If you are interested in a specific appointment time that is not available online, you can book a waitlist ‘appointment’. I will see your request in the calendar and if the appointment becomes available (and they often do!), I will book you in for that time and an email confirmation will be sent to you. If your name is on the waitlist and you do not hear from me it is because there was no appointment availability at that time and I will endeavour to find you another availability. Please write in the notes section of the waitlist calendar your preference for all days and times you are interested in an appointment with me. Here is the direct link:
COVID-19 Resources
I have selected some favourite resources for you, be it for mindfulness, anxiety, parenting strategies. These will be updated as I find other worthy resources. Here is the link to the Resources section of my website.
So in summary, let’s reimagine what it is to healthy and whole. I hope it holds the transition and change that you have been longing to make towards health, connection, priorities, perspective and perseverance.
We are all in this together. Lean on me if and when you need to, I am here.
With dedication, Maria